Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Jury Is Out.....

So today I'm suffering through my practically annual joy of jury duty, one of the suckier things about being a resident of Los Angeles County. Everyone sues everyone here, and that doesn't even count all the criminals running around, so apparently they need all hands on deck. Can you tell I'm happy?

It didn't help that I've been up since 5 AM to beat traffic into downtown LA to arrive at the jury room by 7:45 AM. Of course, you then go through an orientation that is useless to anyone who knows how to read, since the instructions are all covered both on the jury summons and the stupid little brochure they send you explaining your civic duty, complete with smiling civic servants that are currently working for a state without a budget thanks to "The Governator."

But I arrived on time, hoping for the equivalent of the last experience I had on jury duty, which was sitting all day and then being dismissed for giving a day of my valuable time being exquisitely bored. No such luck this time. My name just got called, and I have to find some lunch before I report to the 9th floor at 1:30 PM.

My task now is to get excused by doing something to irritate one of the attorneys and make them understand I am not an acceptable juror. Thank God I'm opinionated! And since actor Don Cheadle got excused from a case yesterday, maybe I'll get lucky.....

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