Monday, January 26, 2009

Is Anyone Out There?

My foray into the blog world started as a way to advertise my daily exploits to family and friends, avoiding the guilt of being so bad at making time to pick up the phone and actually call people. It's not that I don't love the people in my life, but I find the longer I spend in training, talking for a living, the less desire I have to spend endless amounts of time doing it away from work. Truth be told, after a really long day training, I just want to go home, pour a glass of wine and stare at the wall. Unless it's a hockey night. But I digress...

If I'm being totally honest, I will also admit part of the attraction to blogging was the thought of building a legion of followers waiting anxiously to read my insights on the world. Through the wonder of the Internet, I could be popular and admired! The nerd label that has followed me around since birth would be removed! As Sally Field famously said, "You like me! You really like me!"

Since blogs have a place to post comments, I would have type-written proof of the value of my ideas! Once the blog was started, I sent a mass email to everyone in my address book, suggesting they check me out from time to time. And I waited for the attaboys, you-go-girls and compliments to start rolling in. And I waited some more. And when the comments didn't come with the frequency I expected (I've received exactly 23 to date...yes I counted) I went through a brief period of feeling like the entire blogging exercise was pointless. Was there anyone out there? And did they care?

Then the holidays rolled around, and I started to feel differently. I received Christmas cards with hand written notes about how this friend or that enjoyed knowing what was going on in my life. People I visited with recalled posts they liked. Even now, a friend will occasionally call or meet up with me and start a conversation with "I forgot to mention, I loved your blog about _____. I just didn't post a comment."

And I learned an important lesson. Just because people aren't commenting doesn't mean they're not listening. Or that they don't care. As human beings, we touch the people around us in ways we cannot always know. But keep sharing, and people will find a way to touch you back.


  1. VERY true. You may have lots of people reading. I for one, save your blog postings (which I get by email) for the train rides to and from the city. It makes the rides much more fun. The bad side of that is, I can't respond from there. So I say "I have to remember to go to the site and tell Meg her post made me laugh" and in my crazy ADD world - I forget. :-)

    KEEP POSTING. Even when I don't.

  2. I am equally shocked to find out people read our blog and don't comment. Sometimes it drives me batty but I then I realize, I didn't do it for the comments. (or did I, tee hee) It is pretty cool to catch up with a friend from FL and have them go...oh yeah, I read about that on your blog. Keep on blogging sista! OH, and what's up with the new header? What's the pic from? and HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!

  3. I guess I should tell you that from time to time I read your blogs. You're a good writer and I like finding out how you have been all these years.

  4. I LOVE Your blogs, are you kidding I am your number one fan! You touch so many people's lives and have such a great perspective you just don't even know it! Keep bloggin girlfriend, your thoughts and comments are very valued!!
    love you!
