Meg wanted to start with music, since she loves it very much. The first place we went was very near where she lives. It's called the Grammy Museum. A "Grammy" is a special award given out every year to people who create and perform music that lots of people like.
Meg told me she really likes a man named John Mayer, and he has won LOTS of Grammy awards. He even has a plaque in the sidewalk shaped like a record with his name on it! He must be very talented.
We decided to stick with the music theme for our next stop, but Meg said I also needed to see a place called Hollywood while I am visiting. So we went to see the Hollywood Bowl next.
When I think of the word "bowl," I think of cereal or ice cream, not a place to go to a concert and see music. How strange! So I asked Meg why they call it a bowl, and she told me it's because of the shape of the theater, which is outdoors and built into the hillside in the shape of a bowl so the sound is really good. I really wanted to go in and see it for myself, but it was closed. Even though it is a very pretty day, it gets too cold at night now to have concerts outside. At least I know where it is, and hopefully I can see an actual concert when I come back.
Music is OK and all, but I wanted to see some movie stuff! Luckily, Meg said we were right down the street from a place called Hollywood and Highland, where there are lots of movie and TV related things. So that's where we went next.
At first, this place looked like a really big shopping mall. Then Meg explained what some of the things were and it made a little more sense. The first place we visited was the Kodak Theatre. This is the place where all the movie stars come to get their awards, which are called Oscars. Those are also given out every year, just like the Grammys.
Outside in the courtyard, they have this HUGE arch. I guess it's so you know you're somewhere important. And after all, they like to do things really big in the movies!
Then we walked out towards Hollywood Boulevard, which is a street, and we saw the El Capitan Theatre. This is the place where they hold premieres for all the Disney movies, like CARS (my personal favorite). Meg explained that a premiere is like a big party to celebrate a movie coming to the theatres, and sometimes so many people come out to celebrate that they close down the entire street! All the movie stars get to walk on a red carpet and get their picture taken. That sounds like fun to me!
The funniest part about Hollywood Boulevard is that they have stars in the street with people's names! It's called "The Hollywood Walk of Fame," and you have to be pretty important to get your name on a star. For instance, this person, Keanu Reeves, is one of Meg's favorite actors because he is very handsome and makes action movies where he saves lots of people. That sounds like enough to have a star!
Meg also explained that you can have a star if you have enough money to buy one, which I guess explains why this man has one. I didn't know who he is, so he must not be in the movies.
We didn't see any actual movie stars, but Meg said we can look again later. But we did go see some places where they actually MAKE movies, which was very exciting! This is the main entrance of Paramount Studios, which is on a street called Melrose in Hollywood. I think there is a TV show named after this street, but I'm not entirely sure.
Then we drove over to a place called Burbank and saw Warner Brothers Studios. Apparently Keanu Reeves has made some movies here, which is why Meg likes visiting here. I just liked all the comic book characters on the side of the building.
Whew! Los Angeles certainly does do a lot of entertaining. I was getting pretty tired, but Meg said there was one more place we needed to go, and we could drive there. She wouldn't tell me what it is, but she said I'd like it. I guess we'll see!
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