Riverside is about 60 miles east of downtown Los Angeles, and one of the many California cities where Meg's company has offices. She has to come here the next two days for very important meetings, so I get to tag along. The people that work in the Riverside office are very creative, and they must have know I was coming. They designed a special bulletin board for me so I could learn some new things about the city of Riverside. How neat!
The most interesting thing about this office is that the people dressed kind of funny. Tara here is wearing a necklace made of black and red feathers! Meg says it's called a boa, and Tara only wears it on special occasions, like very important meetings. They were having a meeting with something called a "Hollywood Theme." Meg said we will go to Hollywood and look for movie stars while I am visiting, and then it will all make a little more sense. I thought she looked very pretty, and I'd really like to have my own feather necklace someday.
These nice men got dressed up too, and they were all wearing matching outfits so everyone knew they were doing a presentation together. They look very official and important, don't you think?
One of them seemed to have a little trouble tying his bow tie. It came with instructions, but they were pretty hard to understand, as you can see.
I guess this is one of the more difficult things adults have to learn. I hope I never have to wear a bow tie! If I do, someone had better be around to help me tie it.
Well, we have to get back to our meeting now. But keep reading, because Meg says we're going to have some fun adventures this weekend. I can't wait!
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