So it makes sense that one of my very best friends from work is also a hockey fan!
My regular readers have heard me talk about Tammy Good before, mostly in the context of music since she's my regular concert buddy. But she is also a former athlete and passionate fan of all things Philadelphia, since she grew up in good old Lancaster County, PA. Hence, she is a Flyers fan. So on the occasion of the Flyers visit to Staples Center, she donned her Rick Tocchet jersey and joined Nadine and I for the game.
I gotta give Tammy credit. She was emphatic in cheering for her boys, but in a totally respectful way recognizing she was sitting in a Kings season ticket section. And since she's the one person besides Nadine I know that has a million crazy stories about meeting famous people in everyday situations, they had a great time chatting throughout the game. I don't think I could have shut them up if I tried. Tammy, you will be invited're like a regular now!
And it was an even better night for Tammy because the Flyers handed the Kings a 3-2 loss. We weren't terrible, but we didn't have our game plan together at all, and we pretty much handed Philly the game. Drew gave it a valiant effort with a great slap shot to bring the Kings within 1 goal of a tie, but we just couldn't get it done.
"We didn't show up to play, and that's why we lost the game,'' Kings defenseman Drew Doughty said. "The first two periods, we weren't too solid. It wasn't like we were playing that bad. We just let them have three easy goals. We can't have that. We talk, and watch video on our D zone all the time, and when we make little mistakes like that, it's tough and we've got to learn from it.''
(quote courtesy of the LA Kings Official Website)
How can he be so cute and so wise at the same time? It's a mystery. But speaking of cute boys, let's see what Tammy's Flyers had to offer, shall we?
OK, Dan Carcillo is looking a little scuzzier that the last time I saw him. The move from Phoenix looks like it was rough on him.... The term "rode hard and put away wet" comes to mind.
Whoa...who is this? Prehistoric hockey man? Not a good look.
And Scotty Hartnell, the freak of hair nature. I never dreamed a MAN could put me to shame in the uncontrollable hair department, but I concede defeat to Scotty. There isn't enough hair product on the planet to control that!
Finding a good looking guy in Philly's line-up is kind of like bargain shopping at T.J. Maxx. You know the really great deal on the Michael Kors silk blouse is in there somewhere, but you have to sort through a lot of really bad polyester to find it. But when you find it....MAGIC!
Thus, I give you the magic that is Mike Richards. O.M.G. I'm speechless.
And this time we got a two-for-one special in the hot men department, courtesy of London, Ontario's own Jeff Carter. Drew is from London too. There must be something in the water there that produces these amazing, gorgeous hockey men.
Jeff is one tall drink of water. Tammy was mesmerized. I have a picture of her getting a great shot of his butt, but some things weren't made for the blogosphere and should be kept between friends.
Next up for the Kings will be the visiting Calgary Flames on Saturday, 11/21. It will be the first home game of the season I'm missing, since I will be back in Virginia at JMU Alumni Band weekend. I just hope the Kings don't play better without me around, because I'll get all superstitious about that.
Until next time, GO KINGS GO!
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