It turns out Mary's first grade class is doing a project and needed my help, which I was more than happy to offer. I was asked to host a boy named Stanley, show him around Los Angeles for a few weeks, and then send him back to Mary. I would get more information in the mail in a week or so. Sounds easy enough! So today, the information arrived as promised, and my journey with Stanley begins.
Meet Flat Stanley.
According to the letter I received, Stanley became flattened in an unfortunate accident, but found out he could do some really cool stuff because of it, like mail himself to another state! So Stanley wanted to come to California and see what it's like here, and I'll be his host. It's actually a good thing that he's flat, because I have a VERY small apartment and not much space for properly hosting guests.
Now that Stanley is here, we're going to work on getting him a California appropriate wardrobe and start seeing some sights. I also suggested that Stanley should be a featured guest on my blog, and he LOVED that idea. So if you're reading and want to follow Stanley's adventures with me, just click on "Flat Stanley" in my blog tag cloud and you can get the latest and greatest updates.
Now my new guest and I are off to bed. We have visitors coming tomorrow, and big weekend plans, so we need our rest....
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