Monday, January 3, 2011

Out With The Old, In With The New

My mother is a huge fan of wall calendars. She has one hanging in her kitchen with dates of birthdays, anniversaries and other significant events that happen among our family and friends every year.

She's been collecting important dates for a long time, and I would guess about 75% of the squares on her calendar are filled in with something. While I was home at Christmas, she was musing about the fact that it was about time to get a new calendar.

Now, I'm a more digital girl where it come to tracking my important dates, but I still admire a good calendar. They especially come in handy for making my work cube walls less boring.

Since today is the first full week of 2011 and my first day in the office this year, it was appropriate that I noticed my calendars needed updating.

My Pittsburgh Penguins animal welfare calendar has been good to me.

But since the Kings are no longer handing out roster cards at games, I decided my cube walls need to be a little more purple.

Welcome to 2011!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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