The Kings hosted the Nashville Predators in a rare afternoon game, which meant a lot was at stake. We haven't played well in most of our afternoon games this year, and Nashville has had our number (and not in a good way) all year long.
Knowing we were going to need a little extra motivation, Brianna, Jen and Rachel had a "Top Gun" night, got some inspiration from Mav and Goose watching the movie, and proceeded to come up with "Top Gun" nicknames for the entire team. We even have our own call signs - Mustang, Guppie, Clutch and Hustler. It's our little secret who's who, but you can probably figure out at least one by the end of this post.
So using "Top Gun" speak, the game went kinda like this.
MiG spotted at 4:42, direct hit - damnit, Mav! Shooter returned fire and scored his 32nd take down of the season, with some help from his wing man Paradise. After some more dog-fighting, the MiGs bugged out for a while.
Then a second round of MiGs buzzed in, which pissed Maverick off BIG we had ourselves a little round of hand-to-hand combat. After a ton more sporadic dogfights, it was time for the final showdown.
Wolfman split off a great pass to Merlin, who buried it to move the Top Gun squad into position to go for the kill. But the MiGs weren't giving up, and fired back with a shot of their own less than 60 secs later. With 3:31 to go, the MiGs put the final nail in the coffin, and Goose proclaimed, "We're going down Mav! Time to bail!"
So we lost. To Nashville. AGAIN! Viper was NOT pleased.
At least we did have one major reason to celebrate today - it was Bailey's Birthday!!! And no Bailey does not have a Top Gun call sign because Bailey is already sort of a nickname all on it's own. Plus, I don't think he's even old enough yet to have a license to drive that motorcycle of his, so putting him at the controls of a plane it simply out of the question. But we love him anyway, so he can have cake!
All the Western Conference Mascots came to help celebrate, except Wild Wing, the Ducks mascot. I think Bailey humiliated him so badly last year he was afraid to show his ugly bill around Staples Center. The Kings fans sure don't like him very much. Of course, Nashville's mascot Gnash (worst mascot name in history, by the way), didn't get a very warm reception either, but he hung in there.
Bernie, the Colorado Avalanche mascot, was my favorite non-Kings character. Any mascot who pretends to pick his nose and wipe it on the jersey of the person in front of me wins major points in the creativity department.
Of course, I think Bernie hits the sauce a little too hard, which would explain his crazy behavior.
And we got a rare treat with our favorite visitor from the East - Max, the Manchester Monarchs mascot (and Bailey's little bro)! The fact that he was wearing purple nail polish that matched mine weirded me out just a little, but otherwise Max is the coolest! And he's always happy!
Thanks to all the mascots for helping our Bailey have a terrific birthday! The only thing that would have made it more perfect would have been a Kings win. Get to work on that for next year, boys!
Finally, since we've seen the Preds already this season, there was no "Opposing Team Hottie of the Night" this afternoon. But my new friends Kelly and Lisa Pajak send me this super photo of the Drew-Cam in action! So now you have proof...and a view of my pretty great seats!

Mustang is signing off....time to drink away this headache of a game! Goose, I think she's lost that lovin' feeling....
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