Spending Friday nights at TSC is usually guaranteed since my friend Mike plays in a rec hockey league there. Jen and Brianna live really close by, so instead of hanging out at a bar, we go get Starbucks, spend the evening gossiping, and watch our Caribou at play. It costs less, it's safer, and we still get to scope cute guys.
Now, our guys keep it pretty straight up with the jersey names. Mike's last name is Timoney, so that's what he wears, even though his nickname with the team is "T-Money." Their opponents this evening choose to wear their nicknames on their backs. It's hard to read in this photo, but the guy to the right of Mike is called "Diver Dave." Make of that what you will.
Now each "season" the teams change up a bit, and last weekend I noticed this majorly hot dude that joined the league. SO majorly hot, in fact, that the girls and I stayed to watch for a bit after the Caribou were done playing. And as luck would have it, we played Majorly Hot Dude's (that's his name now) team tonight! Too bad he got a game misconduct and spent part of the evening like this (when he wasn't camped out in the penalty box).
Of course, this would be the ONE night I forgot my regular camera when I switched purses, so this photo was the best my camera phone would do. Look for close-ups of Majorly Hot Dude in a future post.
Saturday, I was back at TSC with Nadine and John to help our friend Michael celebrate his 16th birthday with a skating party!
I did actually get on the ice, but I don't balance well enough to skate and take pictures, so I mostly got ones of Nadine and John. The birthday boy is actually an amazing skater and he was WAY too fast for my camera skills.
John, in particular, was an easier target because he stops a lot (he skates like me).
The funniest part is that Nadine and John actually wear the same size skates, so those are HER hockey skates he's wearing. I think that deserves some rabbit ears!
Then Sunday, my beloved Kings returned from Vancouver, ready to play Game 3 of the Stanley Cup Play-offs first round back at Staples Center. But first practice was in order, and since I rarely get to go during the regular season with my work schedule, I decided to camp out and get some practice shots. I took a TON, so I only posted my 3 favorites.
First up, the Clunatic himself, forward Rich Clune. Some of my best action work to date.
I HAD to include at least one Drew photo, and he stayed still long enough for me to catch him. That doesn't happen every day, let me tell you...
And then there's Mr. Popularity himself, defenceman Matt Greene. He was doing his fake stretch routine and having a fun conversation with Sean O'Donnell when I took this. Possibly my favorite practice shot ever in the history of practices.
If you're a Kings fan and don't already hang out with me on Facebook, here's a link to the rest of my photo gallery from practice.
And don't be afraid to ask me to be your friend, either. I haven't met a Kings fan yet I didn't like.
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