But I decided to go in spite of all the reasons not to attend. For one, I believe in supporting my friends even if it's not convenient, because that's what friendship is about. And two, I firmly believe in supporting artists. I get so much added to my life by musicians, actors, and entertainers of all sorts, it's the right thing to give them something back. I think most non-performers just see the fun of being in front of an audience and miss the hard work that goes into the performance. Plus it's such a difficult thing to make a living as an entertainer, and living in LA has taught me there are so many talented folks out there that deserve more attention than they get.
So I left work and headed out to the Jon Lovitz Comedy Club at Universal City Walk. The club is located on the site of the old B.B. King's club, so it was designed more for music, but is still intimate enough to work for comedy. The 3rd level seating is really high, but close to the stage so you've got a good view no matter where you sit.
The current decor is a beach bar theme, and while the background music was nice, I could deal without the piped in wave noise. But overall, when I think Jon Lovitz I think Lower East side NYC, and I would love to see this place redone in that vein. And the menu totally makes me want to grab some street cart food. Check this out....
Hot dogs by the fat guy on Borat - nice! The only bad news about the menu is...this is ALL of it. Hot dogs and pastrami. That's it. So if you're a vegetarian, don't see comedy here, or at least don't come hungry. The good news is the prices are right, and I can recommend the pastrami. As tempted as I was by the Fried Twinkie Dog and chili cheese Fritos, I didn't' want to go to bed with heartburn.
I was a total bonus to see the man himself hanging out in the back! I love it when actors are actually hands-on with their business.
OK, I already know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "Meg, you're nuts. You want me to come out on a work night, sit in traffic getting to Universal Studio, PAY to park, then pay a cover charge to see some comedy, and all I get to eat are hot dogs?" You have a point, but stay with me for a second, and you'll see what potential this has to be an amazing deal.
General parking IS $10 at Universal, but you can valet for only $3 - a very well kept secret. The door charge tonight was $5, and you get 5 comedians! That's a buck a comedian, and you're probably coming in around a nickel a joke! Domestic beer bottles are $5, and the simplest dog is $4, so there's a great date night marketing scheme in here. Two dogs, two beers, and some jokes for $25. Better than a Dodger family pack! Mr Lovitz, if you're reading, I'm available for a small consulting fee... I really think I can help you market your business!
And the comedians, with the exception of one I won't mention, we're VERY GOOD. Jay did hosting duties as well as his own show, and was predictably clutch.
Travis Cohen here was hilarious as well! His shtick is Jewish mixed with politics ("We need a Jewish president that won't spend ANY money on anything"). Apparently he also "puts the lickin' in Republican." I met him before the show and he is extremely nice as well as funny. Plus I loved his Abe Lincoln lapel pin.
But my favorite discovery of the night was Carlie & Doni. Their comedy is incredibly original - the conversations of best friends riffing on each other turned into song. I asked after the show if they sell recordings of their stuff, and they're working on it. In the meantime, check out some videos of them performing at:
You'll be glad you did. And if you see these girls on the marquee at a comedy club near you, don't be an idiot. Get in there and check them out. I don't care what night of the week it is!
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