If I had the fixings for a Bloody Mary, I'd be having one right now. Rough night in hockeyworld, with a trade of one of my favorite Kings blueliners (Kyle Quincey) for a power forward (Ryan Smyth) from the dreaded Colorado Avalanche. ARGH!!!!!! Good thing I have something happy like cooking (and eating) to focus on or it would be a sad and drunken day.
OK, we're gonna start by making a dry rub that we turn into a wet marinade for the shrimpies. But first, let's see how the remoulade turned out....
OH YEAH!! That's looking nice!
Here are your ingredients for the shrimp rub/marinade:
1 Tbsp chili powder (I use Cajun seasoning)
1 tsp. ground cumin
1 tsp. granulated sugar
1 tsp. salt
½ tsp. dry mustard
½ tsp. dry thyme
½ tsp. ground black pepper
½ tsp. curry powder
¼ tsp. Cayenne pepper
And I gotta give a little shout out to the fine folks at Dean and Deluca for coming up with the best spice storage system ever! Makes it so easy to pour these into any kind of measuring device. Plus you feel part mad scientist and part Top Chef while you're cooking. Tom Coliccio's got nothing on me, baby!
You know you want one now.... Get it here! http://www.deandeluca.com/herbs-and-spices.aspx
OK, on with the show. Measure out all your spices and drop them in a bowl big enough to hold all the shrimp...
... then pour in two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and stir it up. See, not hard!
Throw the shrimp in and give them a toss. If you're using my cool Pampered Chef covered mixing bowl, you can really shake it to get all the rub evenly distributed!
Let it marinate for 30 minutes, and then you're ready to grill!
Now, the recipe calls for you to thread the shrimp onto bamboo skewers and grill them. The apartment isn't big enough for a grill, so I'm doing these on top of the stove on a grill pan. You still get the nice grill marks, but you don't have to mess with the skewers or cleaning up the grill after. Perfect option when you're transporting these elsewhere to be served. Cook them a couple of minutes per side.
FYI: If you do go the grill route, make sure to SOAK the bamboo skewers overnight in water. Otherwise they tend to catch fire. They are wood, after all....
Garnish with the leftover parsley, and you're ready to head out the door!
Just like me...RIGHT NOW! Happy July 4th everyone!!
Matt LOVED your shrimp (which we always called Meg's shrimp) the first time we had them SO much he started making them all the time. Then he experimented with the seasonings a little to make them super crazy spicy. Now he calls it his "polish shrimp". People crave them. All because of you. :)