Since I'm beat and have a long day tomorrow, I'm keeping this short. But there is always time for a few photos! I call these the B.D. version of the apartment (that's "Before Decoration").
Hallway to the bathroom....
That's a closet with the mirrored door to the right. There's another one just like in on the left side. I love closets!
The Powder Room :)
My small but functional kitchen....
And the big payoff....the bed/living room with one entire wall of windows!! I gotta admit, this is what sold me on the place when I saw it.
And I know I'm officially here because I already have mail. How about that?
And a nice "welcome wagon" package from the building. Two spas to try out, delivery menus, maps of downtown, coupons for everything.
Now I just need to figure out where Starbucks is....
Luckily - there are several within a few blockS! Can't wait to see the final product!