Tammy scored big when she found a notice on-line about a free show Jewel was doing at the Roxy in Hollywood to celebrate the release of her new album, Lullaby. So after fun and sun at Disney and a quick run home for a shower, I joined Tammy, who already got a spot in line. What great friends do I have?!
I bought Jewel's first album, "Pieces of You," at the same time most of the world was discovering the little girl from Alaska with the guitar, the unique voice, and a talent for yodeling. I love the album, but she never became one of those "must-have" artists for me, and although I enjoyed the singles from other albums she recorded, I never bought another one. After seeing her live, I have some record collecting to do.
You see, Jewel is one of those artists where the recording process shortchanges you as a listener in way. It only gives you one interpretation of a song, a limited little window to view the sunlight. Her live performances are more akin to holding a crystal up the to the sunlight and watching millions of colored points of light dance through the facets and onto the ceiling. Her strength is in the subtle nuance in the bend of each note, the dynamic highs and lows, and the syncopated delivery of each poetic line.
The fact that she's an incredible storyteller is where it all starts. For over 2 hours, Jewel told the stories behind the songs, and recalled her journey to a life she never expected and clearly appreciates because of how hard it was to get there. She's an old soul who survived living in her car, broke, sometimes shoplifting so she could eat, all the while playing in coffee shops, clubs, and even on the street trying to realize her dream. Her stories are beautiful, heartbreaking and uplifting in equal measure, and the fact that she's so open in sharing them makes her heroic.
Time to go record shopping.
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