Monday, April 20, 2009

Sunshine and Smiles

My good friend Tanya is pregnant with her second baby and due the end of June. She's at that stage of her pregnancy where she's in major nesting mode, cleaning out closets, getting the new nursery ready, and generally getting organized for the big day. Not the easiest task when you're also chasing after a very independent one-year old who is toddling everywhere, demanding your attention.

She was hoping to get a weekend away and come get a little California sunshine while she could still travel, but so far that hasn't worked out. So her amazing husband Jerry helped me plot a little surprise visit, and I flew up to Portland Saturday morning. Tanya's mom picked me up at the airport, and Jerry managed to get her out of the house for a surprise lunch downtown. She was SO surprised, it actually took her a minute to get out of the car. Then I got the biggest hug and favorite moment of the whole trip!

The weather in Portland was absolutely AMAZING all weekend. Sunny, clear, and close to 80 degrees. Perfect occasion to take Addie and the dogs for stroll through the neighborhood.

And since it was nice and hot outside, we had some popsicles to cool off!

Jerry is such a great Dad, and Addie is so attached to him. Plus he can make her do the funniest make silly faces! I just love this photo of the two of them.

Watching Addie, it's hard to believe how much she's changed in just the last few months. From a just starting to toddle, hair still filling in, sucking on a bottle baby to fully mobile, mind of her own, full head of strawberry blond hair force of nature. Se just gets cuter every day.

My next visit will hopefully be this summer after Tanya has BGO (Baby Girl Offerdahl) #2. I'm sure Addie can't wait to meet her new sister!

1 comment:

  1. That was the sweetest blog!Such great pictures! Thank you for always being there for my whole family, you always make everything so special! love you!
